
Seafarer, The

Autore: Conor McPherson
Categoria: Teatro
Genere: Commedia
Lingua: inglese
Ruoli: 5
Attori: 5


E’ la vigilia di Natale e Sharky è tornato a Dublino per prendersi cura del suo irascibile fratello maggiore, il quale è recentemente divenuto cieco. Due vecchi ubriachi, Ivan e Nicky capitno anche loro in quella casa, con la speranza di giocare a carte. Ma con l’arrivo di uno straniero da un remoto passato, la posta in gioco diventa sempre più alta. In effetti, Sharky potrebbe finire per giocarsi l’anima…

Dal punto di vista di McPherson, siamo noi a creare il nostro inferno nel tentativo di alleviare il nostro senso di colpa e il senso di fallimento attraverso dei falsi stimolanti; se c’è un diavolo reale in questa commedia avvincente e che fa riflettere, è l’alcolismo.

La piece è ambientata in uno scantinato a Dublino ### Recensioni #### The Guardian "Conor McPherson's characters regularly wrestle with their inner demons. Now, in this sparkling and suspenseful new play, one of them has to engage with the devil himself. And, even if I can't quite believe in the cathartic climax, McPherson proves yet again he is both a born yarn-spinner and an acute analyst of melancholy Irish manhood. McPherson's setting is a bleak Dublin basement that exudes the sterile maleness of the house in Pinter's The Homecoming. And the occupants of the Dublin home are two fractious siblings: the lately blinded Richard, who is a boozing bully, and Sharky, a restless loser now reduced to being his brother's keeper. One Christmas Eve, however, two of Richard's drinking buddies, Ivan and Nicky, drop by bringing with them an enigmatic stranger, Mr Lockhart, who has something of the night about him. It is giving nothing vital away to reveal that Lockhart is the very devil and that he has come to claim Sharky's soul over a game of cards. But all this supernatural soliciting is simply a device to allow McPherson to reveal the spiritual barrenness of this booze-fuelled male world. Not only do the two brothers enact a classic master-slave relationship; the permanently inebriated Ivan, locked out by his wife, has apparently caused two deaths through his drunken negligence; and Nicky is a bullish twerp who has stolen Sharky's girl. Only a rotter would reveal the outcome; suffice to say, that I think redemption comes too easily through a clever narrative trick. But the brilliance of the play lies in McPherson's deftly inserted character detail: Richard's angry sourness, for instance, is exemplified in his vision of marriage, gleaned from cleaning windows, as a series of "banjaxed relationships". And McPherson's famed gift for monologues is vividly displayed in Lockhart's description of hell as a permanent form of self-loathing." :: Michael Billington in The Guardian #### British Theatre Guide "The Seafarer proves to be a richly rewarding comedy in which all five actors have opportunities to shine. It demonstrates once again that not only is Conor McPherson a top writer and director but he has an uncanny knack of being able to project himself into the minds of men a generation older than he is." :: Philip Fisher in the British Theatre Guide
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