

Autore: ENRON
Categoria: Teatro
Genere: Dramma
Lingua: inglese
Ruoli: 16
Attori: 11
Attrici: 5


Trad: Leo Muscato
ISBN: 9788890377976X

Prezzo: €9,00

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ENRON racconta la storia di uno fra i più eclatanti casi di bancarotta fraudolenta di tutti i tempi: l’ascesa e caduta di un colosso dell’energia, la Enron, settima industria americana per fatturato. È la storia di un fallimento che ha comportato il licenziamento di migliaia di dipendenti che, appena pochi mesi prima, erano stati indotti a investire tutti i propri risparmi nelle azioni della società per cui lavoravano e avevano inconsapevolmente firmato degli accordi che impedivano loro di rivenderle, se queste avessero cominciato a perdere valore. E tutto ciò accadeva mentre i loro dirigenti, liberi da ogni vincolo, cominciavano a liberarsi delle proprie azioni. Di lì a poche settimane, il valore delle azioni della Enron crollò da 86 dollari a 26 centesimi bruciando, nel giro di tre mesi, quasi 60 miliardi di dollari.

Puoi ordinare il libro su:

ENRON nel 2009 ha vinto il Theatrical Management Association award, l'Evening Standard Theatre Awards, e ha ricevuto una nomination per i Tony awards.
Per inviare una richiesta accedi all'area riservata

Altre Opere Di ENRON

-Le Baccanti (da Euripide)

-Antigonick (da Sofocle)

-Norma Jeane Baker di Troia
(Norma Jeane Baker of Troy)

-Elettra (da Sofocle)

-Un sorso di terra
(Ein Schluck Erde)

-Un giorno come gli altri
(Ein Tag wie sonst)

-Il ponte di Berczaba
(Die Brücke von Berczaba)

-Un’ora di sosta
(Eine Stunde Aufenthalt)

-Segnali sul muro

-Dialogo accanto alla recinzione
(Dialog am Drahtzaun)

-Il citofono

-Quattro minuti e dodici secondi
(Four Minutes and Twelve Seconds)

-Prima Facie

-When The Rain Stops Falling

-Cose che so essere vere
(Things I Know to Be True)

-Infinite Life

-Appuntamento al buio
(Blind date)

-Momenti a quattro stelle
(Vier Stern Stunden)

-Terapia d'Amore
(Die Wunderübung)

-A.K.A. - Also Known As






-As You Desire Me

-God Only Knows

-A Letter of Resignation

-Disposing of the Body


-The Best of Friends

-Breaking the Code

-Pack of Lies


-Sand in Sandwiches

-Momenti Difficili
(Bleak Moments)

-Babies Grow Old

-Silent Majority


-Pelle d'Oca

-Tragedia Greca
(Tragedia Greca)

-It's a Great Big Shame

-Two Thousand Years

-Smelling a Rat


-La festa di Abigail
(Abigail's Party)

-Monologo di Thilo Sarrazin


-Arringa di un Pirata Somalo
(Die lächerliche Finsternis)

-Fedra in Fiamme
(Phäedra, in Flammen)

-Le mie madri
(Meine Mutter)

-Adios Muchachos

-È solo una fase
(Es ist nur eine Phase, Hase)

-Das Brautkleid

-Il rene
(Die Niere)

-Schuhe Taschen Männer

-Bis Dass der Tod

-Neun Tage frei

-Ammazzare un maiale

(Endlich Schluss)

-Crepuscolo sulle Alpi

-I Borghesi
(Die Bürger)

-Giuseppe e Maria
(Josef und Maria)


-Caccia ai Topi

(Das Interview)

-Il viaggio dei perduti
(Die Reise der Verlorenen)

(Heilig Abend)

-Le ho mai raccontato del vento del nord
(Gut gegen Nordwind)

-La settima onda
(Alle sieben Wellen)

-Robinson (Meine Insel gehört mir)

-Un'allegra mattinata dal parrucchiere
(Ein fröhlicher Morgen beim Frisör)

-Queste pazze donne

-Ohio - perché?!
(Ohio - Wieso?!)

-Corinna & David
(Corinna und David)

-Errore nel Sistema
(Fehler im System)

-Rent a Friend

-Capriccio all'Asburgo
(Die Kantine)

-Magic Afternoon

-Tre Uomini a Pezzi


-Il Nome

-Qualcuno verrà
(Og Aldi Skal Vi Skiljast)

-E non ci separeremo mai
(Nokon Kjem Til Å Komme)

-Teatro - Volume 3

-TEATRO - Volume 1



-Sorry We Didn't Die At Sea
(Scusate se non siamo morti in mare)

-ATTI OSCENI - I tre processi a Oscar Wilde
(Gross Indecency: The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde)

-Il malloppo

-La strana coppia
(The odd couple)

-100 Songs

-La Casa di Bernarda Alba
(The House of Bernarda Alba)



-Io Sono il Vento
(Eg Er Vinden)

-La Ragazza sul Divano
(Jenta i Sofanen)

-20. November

-Al Nostro Posto
(I Vårt Sted)


-Purple Snowflakes and Titty Wanks

-Un Uomo d'Arte
(Ein Mann der Kunst)

-Apocalypse Miao, una commedia sulla fine del mondo
(Apokalypse Miau, eine Weltuntergangskomödie)

-Tana per soli uomini

-Revolt. She said. Revolt again.

-Anatomia di un Suicidio
(Anatomy of a Suicide)




-Wide Beyond

-No One is Coming to Save You


(The Waiting)



-Island Town
(Island Town)




-L’Autunno dei succubi
(Herbst der Untertanen)


-The Woman Who Was Not There


-Songs My Enemy Taught Me

-La macchia

-I Barbari

-Dama i Luka


-Giorni di luce
(Dagenes Lys)

-Il nuovo canto di Solveig
(Solveigs 2. Sang)

(Le leggi)


-SPÅR (av Antigone)

(Fleeing Creatures)

-Vit, rik, fri
(Bianca, ricca, libera)

-Den Älskade


-Kvinnan som förvandlades till ett träd
(La donna che si trasformò in albero)

-Il boschetto


-Si esto fuera una película sería un drama


-The Boys in the Band



-A Very Very Very Dark Matter


-La nuova tonaca di Dio (God's new frock)

-The Open House

-Wakey, Wakey

-Tre (Three)

-Maratona di New York

-Vizio di Famiglia


-L'uomo della Mia Vita


-Buone Notizie



-Animali nella Nebbia

-Senza Hitler

-Margherita e il Gallo

-Dramma Italiano

-Parete Nord


-In treno con Albert


-Tante Belle Cose


-Italia Anni Dieci



-Locandiera B&B


-Maurizio IV



-Teatro 2

-Brand New Ancients (Antichi nuovi di zecca)

-Hold Your Own (Resta te stessa)

-Il cuore rivelatore

-Teatro 1


-La fattoria degli animali

-The Sins of the Cities of the Plain

-The Flea

-The Overcoat


-Il Sole Tra La Polvere

-Tredici Secondi o Un Bipede Implume ma con Unghie Piatte

-La commedia della vanità

-Peace in Our Time

-Post Mortem

-Cavalcade (Cavalcata)


-Nude with Violin

-The Young Idea

-This Happy Breed

-Star Quality

-Design for Living

-Relative Values


-Private Lives

-Design for Living

-A Song at Twilight

-Home, I'm Darling


-Moby Dick – Rehearsed

-The Slaves of Solitude


-The Man Upstairs


-Gli ultimi giorni di Giuda Iscariota



-I sotterranei del Majestic

-La trappola di Maigret

-Una testa in gioco

-Liberty Bar

-Il Gatto

-La camera azzurra


-La nuova scena italiana

-Nobody's Perfect

-Double Death

-Kiss of Death

-Nobody's Fool

-Nuova scena italiana


-Il Penitente

-Love in Idleness

-Muttersprache Mameloschn (Lingua Madre Mameloschn )

-Jonah And Otto

-Quando scende la notte

-An Inspector Calls


-The Way We Get By


-The River

-Giovanna d’Arco – la rivolta




-Radiant Vermin

-Nudi e crudi

-Normal: The Düsseldorf Ripper

-Dedalus Lounge

-Girls Like That



-Denmark Hill

-Cocktail Sticks

-The Lady in the Van

-Spur of the Moment

-King Charles III


-La città (Staden)

-Il giorno finisce presto (Dagen slutar tidigt)

-Pittura su legno (Trämålning)





-Of Mice and Len




-Das Himbeerreich

-American Buffalo

-The Hard Problem




-Sexual Perversity in Chicago

-The Cryptogram



-Glengarry Glen Ross

-Have I None

-The War Plays

-Il Testamento dei nostri giorni

-The One

-Tender Napalm

-Leaves Of Glass

-Ghost From A Perfect Place

-The Fastest Clock In the Universe


-Dark Vanilla Jungle



-Made in Dagenham


-The Heretic

-Vanya e Sonia e Masha e Spike

-The Ides of March

-Il Ponte di San Luis Rey

-The Audience

-God Botherers, The

-Great Britain

-One Man Two Guvnors

-Fatal Attraction

-A Steady Rain

-Scenes From The Big Picture
(Scenes From The Big Picture)

-Sinceramente bugiardi
(Relatively Speaking)

-Malcolm e la lotta contro gli eunuchi
(Little Malcolm and His Struggle Against The Eunuchs )

-Bullet, The
(Bullet, The)


-Some Girls
(Some Girls)

-Days Of Wine And Roses

-Absence Of Women

-Il Prezzo

-Pezzi di Vetro
(Broken Glass)

-Tiny Dynamite
(Tiny Dynamite)

-Le Presidentesse
(Die Präsidentinnen)

-Die Sorgen und die Macht
(Die Sorgen und die Macht)

-Conversazione in casa Stein in assenza del Signor von Goethe (Ein Gespräch im Hause Stein über den abwesenden Herrn von Goethe)

-Elmina's Kitchen
(Elmina's Kitchen)

-Das fliegende Klassenzimmer
(Das fliegende Klassenzimmer)

-Il brigante Pennastorta
(Der Räuber Hotzenplotz)

-Am Schwarzen See
(Am Schwarzen See)

-Sterminio, ovvero il mio Fegato è Senza Senso
(Volksvernichtung oder Meine Leber ist sinnlos)

-Love And Understanding
(Love And Understanding)


-Kissing Sid James
(Kissing Sid James)

-Morte di un commesso viaggiatore
(Death of a salesman)

-Ardente Pazienza

-Larkin With Women
(Larkin With Women)

-Il matrimonio perfetto
(Perfect Wedding)

-Faccia da Cucchiaio
(Spoonface Steinberg)



-La piccola Strega
(Die kleine Hexe)

-Mojo Mickybo
(Mojo Mickybo)

-The Effect
(The Effect)

-Visita al padre
(Besuch bei dem Vater)

-Spur of the Moment
(Spur of the Moment)

-Even Stillness Breathes Softly Against A Brick Wall
(Even Stillness Breathes Softly Against A Brick Wall)

-Un giorno nella Morte di Joe Egg



-Mercury Fur
(Mercury Fur)


-Philadelphia, Here I Come!
(Philadelphia, Here I Come!)

-Occidente solitario

-Patty Diphusa

-La notte dei desideri
(Der satanarchäolügenialkohöllische Wunschpunsch)

-Kurt and Sid
(Kurt and Sid)

-Non è la fine del mondo
(Non è la fine del mondo)

- Adler & Gibb
( Adler & Gibb)

-Il Bimbo d'Acqua o Capelli Verdi
(Der kleine Wassermann)

-An Iliad
(An Iliad)

-Il Crogiuolo
(The Crucible)

-Die besseren Wälder
(Die besseren Wälder)

-Il Discorso del Re

-Erano tutti miei figli
(All my sons)

-Stasera ovulo

-Dopo la caduta
(After the Fall)


-Sovrappeso, insignificante: informe
(Übergewicht, unwichtig: Unform)


-My Zinc Bed
(My Zinc Bed)

-Il Mangiasogni
(Das Traumfresserchen)

-La Stanza di Olga
(Olgas Raum)

-Il bambino Sottovuoto
(Konrad aus der Konservenbüchse)


-Dead Heavy Fantastic
(Dead Heavy Fantastic)

-Maratona di New York
(Maratona di New York)

-Arsenico e Vecchi Merletti
(Arsenic and Old Lace)

-The Pillowman

-The Normal Heart


-Scene da un matrimonio
(Scener ur ett äktenskap)

-Bad Jazz


-Senza Voce
(Sans voix)


-La Compagnia degli Uomini
(In the Company of Men)

-Flu Season, The
(Flu Season, The)

-A Window


-The Vertical Hour
(The Vertical Hour)

-Edelmanns Tochter
(Edelmanns Tochter)

-Signore e signori


-Cena a Sorpresa
(Dinner Party, The)

-Polvere alla Polvere
(Dust to Dust)

-Giorno d'estate
(Letni dzien)

-Abide with me

-Uno Sguardo dal Ponte
(A View from the Bridge)

-Worst Case
(Worst Case)

-Earthquakes in London

-Push Up 1-3
(Push Up 1-3)


-Quando la moglie è in vacanza
(The Seven Year Itch)

-Landscape With Weapon
(Landscape With Weapon)

-Emilio e i detectives
(Emil und die Detektive)

-Haunted Child
(Haunted Child)

-Nuoce gravemente alla salute

-Nodo alla gola

-Beauty Queen of Leenane, The

-Un anno con tredici lune
(In einem Jahr mit 13 Monden)

-Rock'n Roll
(Rock'n Roll)

-Blue Room, The
(Blue Room, The)

-Le Streghe
(The Witches)

-Good People
(Good People)

-La Figlia del Re Malvagio
(De Dochter Van De Boevenkoning)

-La Costa dell'Utopia
(The Coast of Utopia)

-Bacio della Donna Ragno (Musical), Il
(The Kiss of the Spider Woman)

-Il Piccione
(Die Taube)

-L'ultima Eclissi
(Dolores Claiborne)

-Romolo il Grande
(Romulus der Große)

-Buonanotte Desdemona (buongiorno Giulietta)
(Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet))


-The Winterling
(The Winterling)


-Quai Ouest


-Misery non deve morire

-Una donna come tante
(Woman Of No Importance)

-L'arca parte alle otto
(An der Arche um acht)

-L'Inventore di Sogni
(The Daydreamer)

-Piantando chiodi nel pavimento con la fronte
(Pounding Nails In The Floor With My Forehead)

-Sotto le palme
(Unter Palmen)

-Laramie Project

-Rosencrantz e Guildenstern sono Morti

-Talk Radio
(Talk Radio)

-Love, love, love
(Love, love, love)


-Dopo Magritte
(After Magritte)

-Wake up!!! and smell the coffee
(Wake up!!! and smell the coffee)

-The Real Thing


-La pazzia di Giorgio III
(Madness Of George III, The )

-Ogni bravo ragazzo merita un favore
(Every Good Boy Deserves Favour)

-I Mostri Sacri

-Voci contro il Potere
(Speak Truth To Power)

-Tusk Tusk
(Tusk Tusk)



-Via Dolorosa

-That Face
(That Face)


-Habit of Art, The
(Habit of Art, The)

-Il Vento tra i Salici

-How I Learned to Drive
(How I Learned to Drive)

-Crumple Zone
(Crumple Zone)

-Il fantasma del Louvre
(Das Phantom des Louvre)

-Il tamburo di latta
(Die Blechtrommel )

-Das doppelte Lottchen
(Das doppelte Lottchen)

-Pünktchen und Anton
(Pünktchen und Anton)

-Le conquiste di Norman
(The Norman Conquests)


-Il Contrabbasso
(Der Kontrabass)

-La morte della Pizia
(Der Tod der Pythia)

-Il ritorno di Ifigenia
(Η επιστροφή της Ιφιγένειας)

-Easy Virtue

-Testimone d'accusa
(Witness for the prosecution)



-Opera dello straccione, (L')
(Zebrackà Opera)


-Albergo di montagna

-Largo Desolato

-Parola ai giurati, (La)


-Snake In The Grass
(Snake In The Grass)

-Lady Grey
(Lady Grey)

-Haunting Julia
(Haunting Julia)

-Life and Beth
(Life and Beth)

-Keely and Du
(Keely and Du)

-I, Shakespeare
(I, Shakespeare)

-Dopo la prova
(Efter repetitionen)

-The Actor's Nightmare
(The Actor's Nightmare)

-Why Torture is Wrong, And The People Who Love Them
(Why Torture is Wrong, And The People Who Love Them)

-Miss Witherspoon
(Miss Witherspoon)

-Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You
(Sister Mary Ignatius Explains It All For You)


-L'Anno del Pensiero Magico
(The Year of the Magical Thinking)

-I Cenci
(Les Cenci)

-La favola dei saltimbanchi
(Das Gauklermärchen)


-Cucina, La
(Kitchen, The)

-La bottega del caffè
(Das Kaffehaus)

-Il vero ispettore Hound
(The Real Inspector Hound)


-La Famiglia Antrobus
(Skin of Our Teeth, The)


-The Rise And Fall Of Little Voice
(The Rise And Fall Of Little Voice)

-Conversazione con l'uomo dell'armadio
(Conversazione con l'uomo dell'armadio)


-Reasons to be pretty
(Reasons to be pretty)


-The Four of Us
(The Four of Us)

-Un frase, un rigo appena
(Boquitas Pintadas)

-The Absence Of War
(The Absence Of War)

-Angels in America (parte 2): Perestroika
(Angels in America - part 2 - )

-Quattro Stagioni, Le
(The Four Seasons)

-Quando torna la primavera

-Parlo di Gerusalemme
(I'm Talking About Jerusalem)




-Amici, Gli
(Friends, The)

-Amante, L'
(Mistress, The)

-Vecchi, I
(Old Ones, The)

-La loro città tutta d'oro
(Their Very Own And Golden City)

-Quattro ritratti di madri
(Four Portraits of Mothers)

-Lettera a una figlia
(Letter to a Daughter)

-Love Letters On Blue Paper
(Love Letters On Blue Paper)

-Gli uomini muoiono le donne sopravvivono
(Men Die Women Survive)

-Festa di Matrimonio
(Wedding Feast, The)

-I Giornalisti
(The Journalists)

-The Lieutenant of Inishmore
(The Lieutenant of Inishmore)

-Curse of the Starving Class
(Curse of the Starving Class)

-Operation Sidewinder
(Operation Sidewinder)

-Martirio di Piotr Ohey, Il
(Meczenstwo Piotra Ohey'a)



-Women, The
(Women, The)

-History Boys
(History Boys)

-Calendar Girls
(Calendar Girls)

-Safari Party, The
(Safari Party, The)




-Lake Street Extension
(Lake Street Extension)

-Oldtimers Game
(Oldtimers Game)

-Delirio di primavera
(Wild Spring)

-Fantastic Mr Fox
(Fantastic Mr Fox )

-Donna in Nero, La
(Woman in Black, The)

-The Night Heron
(The Night Heron)


-Foto di Famiglia
(Photos de famille)

-Sensale di Matrimoni, La
(Matchmaker, The)

-Maladición eterna a quien lea estas paginás
(Maladición eterna a quien lea estas paginás)

-Sangre de amour correspondido

-Mistero del Mazzo di Rose
(Misterio del ramo de rosas)

-Scende la Notte Tropicale

-Tradimento di Rita Hayworth, Il
(La Traición de Rita Hayworth)

-Tango delle Ore Piccole

-La Panne

-Uomo per tutte le stagioni, Un
(Man For All Seasons, A)

-Madame de Sade

-Processo ebbro
(Procès ivre)

-Bacio della Donna Ragno, Il

-Menzogna della mente
(Lie of the Mind, A)

-Pazzo d'amore
(Fool For Love)

-Vero West
(True West)

-La Turista
(La Turista)

-Rock Garden, The
(Rock Garden, The)

-Cowboys #2
(Cowboys #2)

-Bambino Sepolto, Il

-Rock Star
(Tooth of Crime, The)

-Mad Dog Blues

-La polizia

-Bocca di Cowboy
(Cowboy Mouth)

-Suicide in B Flat
(Suicide in B Flat)

-Spezzati, mio cuore

-Annie Wobbler
(Annie Wobbler)

-Peccati di omissione



-The Business of Murder
(The Business of Murder)

-Brodo di pollo con l'orzo
(Chicken Soup With Barley)

-Patatine di contorno
(Chips With Everything)

-Dublin Carol
(Dublin Carol)

-Fatti e disfatti

-Festa agreste
(Zahradní Slavnost)

-Walworth Farce, (The)
(Walworth Farce, (The))


-Parlour Song
(Parlour Song)

-Philantropist, The
(Philantropist, The)

-Mrs. Affleck
(Mrs. Affleck)

-La mia prima volta
(My First Time)

-Waiting in the Wings
(Waiting in the Wings)

-Tela del ragno, La

-Adorabili Amici

-Rifugio, Il
(The Hollow)

-L'ultimo nastro di Krapp
(Krapp's Last Tape)

-L'ospite inatteso
(The Unexpected Guest)

-Bogus Woman, The
(Bogus Woman, The)




-Woolgatherer, The
(Woolgatherer, The)

-Dirty Business
(Dirty Business)

-La Grand Hystérie
(La Grand Hystérie)

-Path to Here, The
(Path to Here, The)

-Spring Journey
(Spring Journey)

-Road to Heck, The
(Road to Heck, The)

-So many words
(So many words)

-Giorni Felici
(Happy Days)

-Va e vieni
(Come and go)


-Non io
(Not I)

-Quella volta
(That Time)


-Pezzo di monologo
(A Piece Of Monologue)


-Improvviso dell'Ohio
(Ohio Impromptu)

-Parole e musica
(Words And Music)

-Hospitality Suite
(Hospitality Suite)

-Divo Garry, Il (Present Laughter )

-Piccola Città

-Spirito allegro

-Via dell'angelo (o Luce a gas, o Lume a gas)

-Trappola per topi

-Hay Fever

-Vortex, The

-Fallen Angels

-La Magica Medicina
(George's Marvellous Medicine)

-Christmas V Mastermind
(Christmas V Mastermind)


-Corporate Vibes
(Corporate Vibes)

-Cooking With Elvis
(Cooking With Elvis)

-Crazy Gary's Mobile Disco
(Crazy Gary's Mobile Disco)

-Donzelle in pericolo
(Damsels in Distress)

-Creating Chaos
(Creating Chaos)

-Crimini del cuore
(Crimes of the Heart)

-Dad's Tale
(Dad's Tale)

-Ballando a Lughnasa
(Dancing at Lughnasa)

-Darwin's Flood
(Darwin's Flood)

-Designs For Living
(Designs For Living)

-Des voix sourdes
(Des voix sourdes)

-E non rimase nessuno (Dieci Piccoli Indiani)
(And Then There Were None)

-Circolare ad uso interno

-Dolly West's Kitchen
(Dolly West's Kitchen)

-Betty va in vacanza

-La Marche
(La Marche)



-Récits morts
(Récits morts)


(Coco Chanel et sa servante Consuelo )

-Le Jour des meurtres dans l'histoire de Hamlet
(Le Jour des meurtres dans l'histoire de Hamlet)

-Le Amarezze
(Les Amertumes)

-Donna nella mente, (Una)
(Woman in Mind)

-Down The Road
(Down The Road)

-Experienced Woman Gives Advice, An
(Experienced Woman Gives Advice, An)

-Wiping my Mother's Arse
(Wiping my Mother's Arse)

-Rafta Rafta
(Rafta Rafta)

-Tragedy: A Tragedy
(Tragedy: A Tragedy)

-4-H Club

-East Is East
(East Is East)

-Padri e figli
(Fathers and Sons)

-Thom Pain
(Thom Pain)

-Pitmen Painters, The
(Pitmen Painters, The)

-Easy Access (for the boys)
(Easy Access (for the boys))

-Just between ourself
(Just between ourself)




-Telephone Call, A
(Telephone Call, A)

-Touch of Danger, A
(Touch of Danger, A)


-Skull in Connemara, A
(Skull in Connemara, A)

-À Mesa (At The Table)

-Difficoltà di concentrazione
(Ztižená možnost soustředěni)

-Walk in the woods, A
(Walk in the woods, A)

-Ocean out of my Window, An
(Ocean out of my Window, An)

-Baby with the Bathwater
(Baby with the Bathwater)

-Back Bog Beast Bait


-Borders of paradise
(Borders of paradise)



-Blue Bitch
(Blue Bitch)

-7th Symphonie
(7th Symphonie)

-Brilliant Lies
(Brilliant Lies)

-The Roads That Lead Here
(The Roads That Lead Here)


-Con le pietre in tasca

-Kontrakt (The Contract)
(Kontrakt (The Contract))

-By The Sea, By The Sea, By The Beautiful Sea
(By The Sea, By The Sea, By The Beautiful Sea)

-Che fine ha fatto Betty Lemon?




-Disco Pigs
(Disco Pigs)



-Cancer Time
(Cancer Time)



-Pietro e Farfalla
(Pierre et Papillon, ou l’histoire d’un amour décalé)


-Lobby Hero
(Lobby Hero)


-The Final Twist
(The Final Twist)


-The Drowned World
(The Drowned World)

-The Shadow Of A Boy
(The Shadow Of A Boy)

-Sempre così carine
(All Over Lovely)

-La saveur subtile des dinosaures
(La saveur subtile des dinosaures)

-Sete d'amore

-Post IT
(Post IT)

-Breath Of Life, The
(Breath Of Life, The)

-Differenti opinioni
(Amy's View)

-All Things Nice
(All Things Nice)

-Map Of The World, A
(Map Of The World, A)


-Racing Demon
(Racing Demon)

-Baia di Nizza, La
(Bay At Nice, The)

-Stuff Happens
(Stuff Happens)

-Pravda: a Fleet Street Comedy
(Pravda: a Fleet Street Comedy)


-Secret Rapture, The
(Secret Rapture, The)


-Tutto su mia madre

-After Juliet

-All Things Considered


-After Dinner

-All That Trouble That We Had


-Anna Weiss

-A Question Of Mercy

-Di' Joe
(Dis Joe)

-Late Henry Moss, The
(Late Henry Moss, The)

-Am I blue?
(Am I blue?)

-Angel City
(Angel City)

-A Passage To India

-When I Was A Girl, I Used To Scream And Shout
(When I Was A Girl, I Used To Scream And Shout)

-Night Night
(Night Night)

-Delitto avrà luogo, Un
(Murder is announced, A)


-The House Guest
(The House Guest)

-Licking Hitler
(Licking Hitler)


-Sugar Daddies
(Sugar Daddies)

-Other Side, The
(Other Side, The)

-House & Garden
(House & Garden)

-Il Censore
(The Censor)

-Intimi scambi
(Intimate Exchanges)

(Private Fears in Public Places)

-Prova a farmi ridere
(Comic Potential)

-Stepping Out
(Stepping Out)

-Judas Kiss
(Judas Kiss)

-La Storia Infinita
(Die Unendliche Geschichte)

-La mia notte con Reg

-Una Bella Giornata
(One Fine Day)

-Il Piccolo Fantasma
(Der kleine Gespenst)

-Two Rooms
(Two Rooms)

-Gioco Pericoloso

-Stanze comunicanti
(Communicating Doors)

-Strategia di Gioco

-Sea Urchins
(Sea Urchins)


-Shoot The Crow
(Shoot The Crow)

-The Day I Stood Still
(The Day I Stood Still)

-Hard Fruit
(Hard Fruit)

-Talking Cock
(Talking Cock)

-Winter Guest
(Winter Guest)

-The Slight Witch
(The Slight Witch)



-When We Were Women
(When We Were Women)


-Gli emigranti

-Morte di un colonnello
(Smierc porucznika)

-Una casa di frontiera
(Dom na granicy)

-Un caso fortunato
(Szczesliwe wydarzenie)

-In alto mare
(Na pelnym morzu)

-Un amore in Crimea
(Milosc na Krymie)

-Il tacchino

-Il gobbo

-Il macello

-La Sérénade

-La festa

-Il ritratto

-Il vecchio sistemato
(Le viel homme rangé)

-Lis aspirant
(Lis aspirant)

-La Debuttante
(La jeune première)



-Casa dei dadi, La
(The Dice House)

-Vita e Virginia
(Vita and Virginia)

(Karol )


-Gioco di Ruolo
(Role Play)

-La visita della vecchia signora
(Der Besuch der alten Dame)

-Dumb Show
(Dumb Show)

-Valley Song
(Valley Song)

-The Road To Mecca
(The Road To Mecca)

-"Master Harold" ... And The Boys
("Master Harold" ... And The Boys)

-Quercia, Una
(Oak Tree, An)


-Morte e la fanciulla, (La)
(Death and the Maiden)

-The Lying Kind
(The Lying Kind)

-When She Danced
(When She Danced)

-Il mio mondo è qui

-Red Cross
(Red Cross)

-The Authentic Life Of Billy The Kid
(The Authentic Life Of Billy The Kid)


-The Black Sheep
(The Black Sheep)

-Patient A
(Patient A)

-Ten-minute Plays From The Guthrie Theater
(Ten-minute Plays From The Guthrie Theater)

-The Little Hours
(The Little Hours)

-The Sad Lament Of Pecos Bill On The Eve Of Killing His Wife
(The Sad Lament Of Pecos Bill On The Eve Of Killing His Wife)

-The Winning streak
(The Winning streak)

-Icarus's Mother
(Icarus's Mother)


-Motel Chronicles & Hawkmoon
(Motel Chronicles & Hawkmoon)

-The Unseen Hand
(The Unseen Hand)

-The Waltz
(The Waltz)

-Fourteen Hundred Thousand
(Fourteen Hundred Thousand)

-Hawk Moon
(Hawk Moon)

-Some Voices
(Some Voices)

-Just A Little One
(Just A Little One)

-Killer's Head
(Killer's Head)

-Misha's Party
(Misha's Party)

-The Garter
(The Garter)

-The Holy Ghostly
(The Holy Ghostly)

-Nice People Dancing To Good Country Music
(Nice People Dancing To Good Country Music)

-Up For Grabs
(Up For Grabs)

-Holy Day
(Holy Day)

-Ship Of Fools
(Ship Of Fools)

-The Ballad Of Lois Ryan
(The Ballad Of Lois Ryan)

-Speaking In Tongues
(Speaking In Tongues)

-The Freedom Of The City
(The Freedom Of The City)

-Suckling Dublin
(Suckling Dublin)

-La chiusa
(The Weir)

-Il pergolato di tigli
(This Lime Tree Bower)

-Made In China
(Made In China)

-Rum & Vodka
(Rum & Vodka)

-Wonderful Tennessee
(Wonderful Tennessee)

-Port Authority
(Port Authority)

-St. Nicholas
(St. Nicholas)

-Take Me Away
(Take Me Away)

(The Bear)

-Desideri sfrenati di mio marito mi hanno quasi fatto impazzire, I
(My husband's wild desires almost drove me mad)

-The Small Things
(The Small Things)

-Sci che passione!, Lo
(Ski Whiz)

-Making History
(Making History)

-The Walls
(The Walls)

-Gates Of Gold
(Gates Of Gold)

-Howie The Rookie
(Howie The Rookie)


-The Good Thief
(The Good Thief)

-La Chasse au Renard
(Polowanie na lisa)

-Le Renard Philosophe
(Lis filozof)

-Death And Dancing
(Death And Dancing)


-Camere da letto
(Bedroom Farce)


-War in Heaven, (The)
(War in Heaven, (The))

-Molly Sweeney
(Molly Sweeney)


-The Yalta game
(The Yalta game)

-Absent Friends

-My scandalous life
(My scandalous life)

-Mr Whatnot
(Mr Whatnot)

-Alone Together
(Alone Together)


-Absurd Person Singular

-Es steht geschrieben
(Es steht geschrieben)



-God of Hell, (The)
(God of Hell, (The))

-Geography of a Horse Dreamer
(Geography of a Horse Dreamer)

-Family Circles

-Eyes for Consuela
(Eyes for Consuela)


-Me, Myself and I
(Me, Myself and I)

-Men on Women on Men
(Men on Women on Men)

-Making Tracks
(Making Tracks)

-Love After All
(Love After All)

-Living Quarters
(Living Quarters)

-Little Ocean
(Little Ocean)

-Jackson's Dance
(Jackson's Dance)


-Joking Apart
(Joking Apart)


-How the Other Half Loves
(How the Other Half Loves)

-Quase Nada
(Quase Nada)


-Rocking Chair
(Rocking Chair)

-Quiet Island, A
(Quiet Island, A)

-Seafarer, The
(Seafarer, The)

-Season's Greetings
(Season's Greetings)

(Seduced )

-Sisterly Feelings
(Sisterly Feelings)

-Way Upstream
(Way Upstream)

-Small Family Business, (A)
(Small Family Business, (A))

-Square Cat, The
(Square Cat, The)

-Standing Room Only
(Standing Room Only)

-States of Shock
(States of Shock)


-Taking Steps
(Taking Steps)

-Ten Times Table
(Ten Times Table)

-Things We Do For Love
(Things We Do For Love)

-Two Lips Indifferent Red
(Two Lips Indifferent Red)

-Up To Thursday
(Up To Thursday)

-Suburban Strains
(Suburban Strains)

-Shaved Splits
(Shaved Splits)

-Giorno in cui rapirono il Papa, Il
(The day they kidnapped the Pope)

-Die Physiker
(Die Physiker)

-Angels in America (parte 1): il millennio si avvicina
(Angels in America - part 1 - "Millennium approaches")

-Asta in cortile

-Assassinio sul Nilo
(Murder On The Nile)



-Le vedove

-Il mio braccio

-Anno della scimmia, (L')

-Appuntamento con la morte
(Appointment with Death)


-Tyler Poked Taylor
(Tyler Poked Taylor)

-Thief River
(Thief River)

-Going To Saint Ives
(Going To Saint Ives)

-Goodnight Children Everywhere
(Goodnight Children Everywhere)

-Notte fonda
(Our Late Night)

-Linguaggi - vedi anche Sam Shepard

-La pulce
(One Flea Spare)


-Madame Melville
(Madame Melville)

-Slaughter City
(Slaughter City)


-Forensic & The Navigators
(Forensic & The Navigators)

-Nella Solitudine dei Campi di Cotone
(Dans la solitude des champs de coton)

-Shining City
(Shining City)

-Il sarto


-Ritorno al Deserto, Il

-Lotta di negro e cani
(Combat de nègre et de chiens)



-Fucking Games
(Fucking Games)



-Drowing on Dry Land
(Drowing on Dry Land)


-Giù dal monte Morgan
(The Ride Down Mt. Morgan)

-Notte appena prima delle foreste, La
(La nuit juste avant les forêts)

-Roberto Zucco
(Roberto Zucco)

-Questa nostra giovinezza

-Bocca a bocca
(Mouth To Mouth)

-Come cucinarsi il marito
(Woman Who Cooked Her Husband, The)

-When the World was Green
(When the World was Green)



-War Next Door, The
(War Next Door, The)

-Il guaritore
(Faith Healer)


-Breve incontro
(Still Life - Brief Encounter)

-Linguaggi - vedi anche Joseph Chaikin

-Moniza Clavier
(Moniza Clavier)



-Perché John Lennon porta la gonna?
(Why Is John Lennon Wearing A Skirt?)

-Colando da ogni orifizio
(Leaking From Every Orifice)

