
Fourteen Hundred Thousand

Autore: Sam Shepard
Lingua: inglese

Per inviare una richiesta accedi all'area riservata

Altre Opere Di Sam Shepard


-Operation Sidewinder
(Operation Sidewinder)

-Curse of the Starving Class
(Curse of the Starving Class)

-Vero West
(True West)

-Menzogna della mente
(Lie of the Mind, A)

-Pazzo d'amore
(Fool For Love)

-La Turista
(La Turista)

-Rock Garden, The
(Rock Garden, The)

-Cowboys #2
(Cowboys #2)

-Bambino Sepolto, Il

-Rock Star
(Tooth of Crime, The)

-Mad Dog Blues

-Bocca di Cowboy
(Cowboy Mouth)

-Suicide in B Flat
(Suicide in B Flat)

-4-H Club



-Blue Bitch
(Blue Bitch)

-Back Bog Beast Bait

-Angel City
(Angel City)

-Late Henry Moss, The
(Late Henry Moss, The)

-Fourteen Hundred Thousand
(Fourteen Hundred Thousand)

-The Holy Ghostly
(The Holy Ghostly)

-Killer's Head
(Killer's Head)

-Hawk Moon
(Hawk Moon)

-The Unseen Hand
(The Unseen Hand)

-Motel Chronicles & Hawkmoon
(Motel Chronicles & Hawkmoon)

-Icarus's Mother
(Icarus's Mother)

-The Sad Lament Of Pecos Bill On The Eve Of Killing His Wife
(The Sad Lament Of Pecos Bill On The Eve Of Killing His Wife)

-Red Cross
(Red Cross)

-Rocking Chair
(Rocking Chair)


-War in Heaven, (The)
(War in Heaven, (The))


-God of Hell, (The)
(God of Hell, (The))

-Geography of a Horse Dreamer
(Geography of a Horse Dreamer)

-Eyes for Consuela
(Eyes for Consuela)

-Little Ocean
(Little Ocean)

-Jackson's Dance
(Jackson's Dance)



(Seduced )

-States of Shock
(States of Shock)


-Up To Thursday
(Up To Thursday)

-Shaved Splits
(Shaved Splits)

-Forensic & The Navigators
(Forensic & The Navigators)


-Linguaggi - vedi anche Joseph Chaikin

-When the World was Green
(When the World was Green)