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Bel successo per The Road to Mecca capolavoro di Athol Fugard, in scena in questi giorni all’American Airlines Theatre!
Ecco come ne parla la stampa:
“Quiet, slow and ultimately powerful production.” NY Times
“Traveling ‘The Road to Mecca’ can be a trying trip.” NY Daily News
“A slow-burning pleasure.” New York Post
“It’s heavy going for much of the first act, … But once all the ponderous exposition is out of the way …, this 1984 play finally ignites with the passion of its ideas.” Variety

The Road to Mecca, che il New York Times definisce “striking, compassionate and Fugard’s most personal play”, narra la storia di un’eccentrica e scomoda artista a cui vengono fatte crescenti pressioni affinché abbandoni la sua vita indipendente e si ritiri in una casa di cura: il tutto sullo sfondo di un Sud Africa in cui regna l’apartheid.