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Debutta stasera al Lyric Hammersmith Theatre di Londra la nuova commedia di Mike Bartlett che resterà in scena fino al prossimo 14 maggio!

hilarious and irreverent new comedy uncovers a decadent world of sex, hypocrisy, parties and power.

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preoccupanti notizie sul fatto che il suo fratello gemello Jack potrebbe mettere a repentaglio la sua reputazione a Londra, decide di andare a verificare di persona e di indagare…  Una divertentissima e irriverente commedia che svela il mondo in decadenza della élite inglese fatto di potere, sesso e ipocrisia.

Scandaltown is a great big, sexy, smart, occasionally crass, rock’n’roll piece of theatre. It reflects the facade of social media and hypocrisy of politicians, while smiling with real kindness at our shared human folly. It embraces modern life, and gently points out we are all a bit ridiculous to boot.” Read Rachael Stirling’s opinion piece in The Observer here

“It’s funny, it’s debauched… it’s satirising the rich and the powerful.” Listen to Mike Bartlett’s podcast on BBC Radio 4 Front Row here.

[packed with] “audience asides, characters in disguise, sexual innuendo, and hectic pace of a Restoration comedy… firmly set in the here and now.” Read Mike Bartlett’s feature interview in The Times here