

(Immagine per gentile concessione di

Davvero ottime le critiche riservate alla nuova produzione di Radici diretta da James MacDonald, con Linda Bassett, Ian Gelder e Jessica Raine (ve ne avevamo parlato qui)!
Eccovi un breve estratto:

” There isn’t a dud performance in the supporting roles. You really feel you are watching a family who know each other inside out and have been getting on each others nerves for years.
The detail and truth of this production […] all combine to make Roots feel very special indeed.”
Charles Spencer, The Telegraph

“The strength of this unsentimental, unshowy production is in the way it gives in to the rhythms of domestic life. ”
Lyn Gardner, The Guardian

“Loving, meticulous and beautifully acted revival.”
Paul Taylor, The Independent

“Supremely confident production .”
Fiona Mountford, The Evening Standard

“Superb production.”
Sarah Hemming, The Financial Times